Thursday, March 27, 2008

My First Approach

She wasn't exactly attractive. In fact, she was at least 10 years my senior and nothing I would ever pursue. But that wasn't my goal, at least not yet.

I was standing outside my work at the 'smokers pit' enjoying what has been by far the nicest evening of this trip. There were a couple guys on their break off on their own at a picnic table and she walked out. She walked over to where I was and then recognized them out there, so she called out, "You guys being antisocial tonight?" I didn't really pay any attention to the rest of their interaction (I was more focused on the jets passing overhead in the clear skies) but shortly thereafter I noticed the two guys walk past to go back into the building.

I don't really know what went through my head then. I know "hey here's a good approach opportunity!" was nowhere in there, and I really didn't think about the impending interaction as, well, an interaction. I looked back at her, saw her sitting there, and turned back ignoring it. Fuck it. I turned around, "Now you're the one being antisocial!" "Well, come on over then."

We shot the shit for a bit. I don't even really remember what about, it's not important. The point is, though, that I put it out there to start that interaction. And not only that, but the interaction went strikingly well.

STOP THINKING SO DAMN MUCH. I wouldn't have said a thing if I started going on in my mind about an approach. As soon as I start thinking I need to talk to someone so that I CAN approach, even that locks things up. There's a reason the 3 second rule works so well. You see the situation, you react with the first thing that comes to your mind. It's not about worrying how hot she is, how she might react, or whatever. It's just about seeing the situation and reacting.

It's all downhill from here, right? Here's hoping...

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